Arranging a Funeral

In most cases, the family of the deceased will contact our company to initiate commencement of the funeral arrangements. When appropriate, a time will be made to transfer the deceased into our care, and an appointment set to meet with the family at a convenient time and location of their choosing.

We believe in having one point of contact throughout the arrangements to make it easier for your needs to be understood and carried out.

The funeral service should reflect the personality of the deceased. It’s the little, individual choices that will really celebrate their memory. Things like the selection of recorded or live music can add atmosphere to the service – as can the choice of tributes, funeral flowers and bouquets, eulogy, audio visual presentations, service leaflets and placing of flowers by family members.

Other touches that can make a service significant include the placement of a national flag, Returned Services League or Masonic involvement, placing of service medals or other memorabilia on the coffin, a photograph display, coffin selection, and the release of balloons, doves or butterflies. Paying respect to a person’s life means acknowledging the uniqueness they brought to our lives.